Wikipedia:Administrator elections/October 2024/Voting phase

- Per talk page consensus, candidate names will be randomly shuffled, so you may want to take off-wiki notes on how you plan to vote for each candidate before filling out your ballot.
- Votes cannot be "edited", but you can vote again, which will override your old ballot. Please fill out the new ballot completely because no votes from your old ballot will be carried over.
- The default setting for each candidate is "abstain", which neither supports nor opposes and will not affect the final vote calculation.
- Ignore the "Choose your most active wiki" checkbox. The polling software does not allow us to hide this question.
- Voting begins at 00:00, 25 October 2024 (UTC) and ends at 23:59, 31 October 2024 (UTC).
- Others can see that you voted but not which candidates you voted for.
- Results will be posted after a delay because there will be a scrutineering phase after the voting phase, which will take a few days or weeks.